Monday, March 9, 2020

March 2020

A List: T H White--The Once and Future King...…………….………….180/639
B List: Charles Dickens--Bleak House...…………………………………213/880
C List: David Mitchell--Cloud Atlas...…………………………………...434/509

A lot of long books right now that are taking me a while to get through because I have too many other things to do all the time, though obviously very good ones. However I must admit that I have still not been able to get into The Once and Future King much. There is a mixture of extensive practical details and the author's esoteric and episodes of people being transformed into birds and such that I have to say has not been able to hold my fascination thus far, as it is. It is entirely possible that this has happened to come up at the wrong time of life for me. Such things happen.

Mitchell's book really is, for the most part, very good. Being on the C list, though I am supposed to read a little from this every day, most days I just have not been able to, though I have finally got through the futuristic part, which I had difficulty reading at night, and should finally be able to finish the book.

This is a low-energy post, I know. I started to go on a little about why I ultimately did not love Cloud Atlas as much as I do Dickens, and how the characters and humor, while very clever, ultimately are not as endearing to me, etc, but I didn't that was quite good enough and merited a more thorough examination, which I am not up to this evening.

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