Friday, August 16, 2019

Programming Update

Noting that this evening I finished the readings from the 3rd exam of the 6 on my "A" list. I took it up on November 9, 1994 (1st book--Wuthering Heights), so it's taken a few months shy of 25 years to reach the halfway point. I am now on pace to finish it when I am 74, but as I have noted before, the further I go in these exams the more the books, especially the longer ones, start to repeat themselves, so I don't think it will take another 25 years to get to the end. I was on pace before to finish it when I was 78, so I have shaved off a few years in this last cycle.

Are you going to the SJC homecoming next month? It's my 25 year reunion, so I am probably going, indeed I have signed up for it, though various issues could prevent me from making it down. I stopped going to my high school reunions. No one really remembered me, or showed much interest in trying to, and while in my 30s it was at least still a party with attractive women to look at and hope to strike up a conversation with, the last time it was just a bunch of middle aged people who didn't know me, so I don't think there is much of a point in trying to go to them anymore. The St John's people have largely grown away from me as well, but they'll know who I am at least, and I usually enjoy going down and being back in that atmosphere. I have heard it said that the reunions when you are 45-50 are the most lightly attended because that is the age when people are either the busiest or the most disillusioned with their personal results after attending the school, and I am certainly at that point, but still, it was a very important part of my life and I am getting to the age where, although it is not immediately likely, I could be stricken with some affliction that prevents me from ever going back again, so it is likely I will be down.


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